Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Second Start of Quilling

Many years ago, my mom (I mean Santa, cough) gave me the book Twirled Paper by Jacqueline Lee for Christmas.  I thought it was pretty awesome, so I made these nifty creatures using the instructions in the book:

Don't ask me what kind of bird this is, because I don't know either.

Then, a couple of months ago, I came across a picture of a vase made out of paper spirals online, and I finally knew what I wanted to do with all those strips of paper I had left.
This is my progress so far:

That MASSIVE black one is going to be the base :)
I ran out of paper, though, so I made a few by myself, but it takes so much time to measure and cut all the strips that I quickly gave up on that.  I looked online, and sure enough, there's an extra kit to go with the book.  I ordered it yesterday and now I'm just waiting for it to get here so I can start quilling again!!

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